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Modern Fresh Produce software solutions for:


Orchard Growers


Root Vegetables


Field Vegetables


Soft Fruits


Nut Growers


Greenhouse/Hothouse Growers




Fresh Herbs




Farming with assurance

Get started today

Inecta Fresh Produce Software helps farm operations account for your crops throughout the entire growing season, from seed to harvest. Inecta’s Field Manager feature helps you track by field, types of crops, rotations, varieties, and fertilizing schedules in a single, easy-to-use fresh Produce platform.

Key Benefits of our Produce Software

A single hub gives complete oversight


Explore the core features in more detail and our specific solutions for Growers, Produce Packers & Shippers, and Traders.

Produce Grower +

Every plot and seed must be accounted for from sowing season to harvest season. From end to end, produce growers require maximum visibility into their operations. With unparalleled features, simplified reporting and seamless navigation, Inecta Produce remains a trusted companion throughout the lifespan of your crop.

Produce Packer/Shipper +

For Produce Packers & Shippers, maintaining a sharp fresh produce inventory management is key to success. That’s why Inecta Food has cutting-edge inventory management functionality with the ability to seamlessly track, store and move products throughout the warehouse/greenhouse at the drop of a hat.

Produce Trader +

Inecta Produce works wonders for produce traders who typically do not own their farms, instead they traditionally buy outright or contract farm growers to produce a crop they aim to buy or sell. It is imperative for produce traders to have the ability to track and trace the product from its original plot on the farm to the point at which it is purchased at the local greengrocer.

Microsoft Business Central

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All of our Inecta Food industry solutions are powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. This means that you have Microsoft's premier ERP solution powering your industry-specific operations 24/7.

Business Central works with one convenient database. BC allows you to seamlessly access data in real time, so you know exactly where your business stands at any given time. Business Central can also evolve to fit your needs, whether that means you require less or more funcionality, BC is in your corner every step of the way.


Choose Cloud, On-Premise, or both.
It's your choice.

Supports Produce Traceability Initiative.
Manage food safety.

Prepare for mock recalls and regulatory inspections with confidence

Proactive approach to Food safety +

A mock product recall is designed to test the effectiveness of your procedures in the event of a real situation in which an ingredients or products are affected.

3 simple steps to complete lot traceability +

With Inecta Produce, your team can track all ingredients, work-in-progress through to finished goods with an easy to use forward and backward traceability system that provides a complete visibility of the supply-chain in seconds.

Prepare with confidence +

Inecta offers a highly flexible track and trace system. You determine what lot attributes to set on all incoming goods: country of origin, supplier, brand name, production or expiry date, etcetera. The choice is up to you.


With Inecta you can be confident that you have the measures in place to protect your
company and brand reputation in the event that a real food emergency happens to you.

Ask our team for a demonstration of Lot Traceability and get the assurance you need.

Meet some of our clients using
Inecta Produce Software


Looking at other systems was painful. Once we found Inecta,
everything fell into place.

Jason Bellingham, owner of JBL Foods

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The only Produce Software you'll ever need

Easy-to-use Produce software designed for you

Inecta specializes in designing and engineering specific fresh produce software so you can get up and running fast. Whether you run your own farming operations, vertical farm, or work with multiple growers and partners to process and distribute fruit, vegetables, or nuts; Inecta has created dedicated solutions for the different stages of the produce supply chain reducing the need for costly customizations out of the gate. 


Single integrated hub for all your farm data

Keep close tabs on your business' precious data throughout every phase of production, from seeding to harvest to the dining room table. Leverage all of your data from one simple, easy to use database.


Customer support 24/7, 365 days a year

We know that growing food is a commitment every day, so we believe that our support should be there when you need it most, without delay. Once you come on board with Inecta, our customer support team is there for you at any hour of the day. Whether you simply have a quick question or an issue to resolve, our team is always on hand to help.


Zero maintenance & hardware

Say good-bye to hardware woes and maintenance. Because Inecta Produce Software is managed in the cloud, we look after all software upgrades and releases automatically. As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, we receive and test any new releases two months ahead, allowing for a seamless transition to our customers.


Integration with MS Office, e-Commerce and APIs

Enjoy working with familiar MS office applications such as Microsoft Excel, Outlook, and Teams directly linked through your ERP software. Inecta can set up your own e-Commerce platform or link to a third-party provider such as Shopify. Connect to other applications without difficulties through open APIs.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is produce ERP software?

Produce ERP software is designed for Produce Growers, Traders, and Distributors. It allows for the accounting, digitization, and centralization of important company data and processes. Real-time, accurate information from finance, sales, inventory management, processing, transport, and other business functions allows for clarity in decision-making and forecasting.

Why is it important for Produce Packers, Growers, and Traders to use a Produce ERP?

Produce ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Software takes into account and solves challenges that are unique to fresh produce operations. An ERP that's specifically made for the Produce Industry helps with maintaining food safety, tracing recalls, food manufacturing, food delivery, grower accounting, business intelligence tools and many more unique concerns.

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